Agosto 1999

Zentrum für Mittelalterstudien - Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg

Mittelalterliche volkssprachige Glossen

Internationale Fachkonferenz

Bamberg (D), 2-4 August 1999

European Medieval Drama Council
Università di Camerino

European medieval drama

4th international conference

Camerino (MC-I), 2-5 agosto 1999

University of Notre Dame
International Society of Anglo-Saxonists

Imagined Endings.
Borders, Reigns, Millennia

Biannual meeting 1999 of International Society of Anglo-Saxonists

Notre Dame (IN-USA), 8-14 august 1999

International Cartographic Association

History of Cartography.
Early Modern Mapping of the Americas

19th International Cartographic Conference

Ottawa (CDN), 14-21 august 1999

  • Notizia on line (05/05):
  • Informazioni: ICA Ottawa 1999, 615 Booth St., Room 500, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E9, Canada (tel. **/1/613/9929999, fax **/1/613/9958737)
  • Sito dell'ICA (05/05):
  • Atti a stampa: Ottawa ICA 1999. Proceedings of the 19th International Cartographic Conference. 11th General Assembly of ICA (Touch the past, visualise the future), Ottawa, Canadian Institute of Geomatics, 1999

University of Oxford

Patristic Studies

Thirteenth International Conference

Oxford (GB), 16-20 august 1999

  • Notizia on line (05/05):
  • Informazioni: R. W. Thomson, Thirteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, UK (tel. **/44/1865/278200, fax **/44/1865/278190)
  • E-mail:
  • Atti a stampa: Papers presented at the Thirteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies (Oxford, 16-20 august 1999), ed. by M.F. Miles and E.J. Yarnold, 5 v., Leuven, Peeters, 2001 ("Studia patristica", 34-38)

Société Internationale Renardienne
Université de Poitiers - UFR Sciences Humaines et Arts
Centre d'Études Supérieures de Civilisation Médiévale

Épopée médiévale, fable, fabliau

XIIIe Colloque de la Société Internationale Renardienne

Poitiers (F), 23-27 août 1999

Association for History and Computing
University of Groningen

ICT in History.
Archives, teaching and research

XIVth International Conference of the Association for History and Computing

Groningen (NL), 23-27 august 1999

Reformation Studies Institute - University of  Saint Andrews

Sixteenth century French religious book conference
[con relazione di ambito medievistico]


Saint Andrews (GB), 30 august-2 september 1999

Centro di Studi per la Storia delle Campagne e del Lavoro Contadino
Comune di Montalcino
Parco Artistico, Naturale e Culturale della Val d’Orcia - Montalcino

Agricoltura e trasformazione dell’ambiente nel Medioevo e in età moderna

2° Laboratorio internazionale di storia agraria

La Croce (SI-I), 30 agosto-3 settembre 1999

  • Programma a stampa
  • Informazioni: Segreteria del Comune di Montalcino (tel. **/39/0577/804466)
  • Resoconto di R. Sansa in "Quaderni Medievali", 49 (giugno 2000), pp. 121-130

Fondazione Giorgio Cini

Città eterne
[con relazioni di ambito medievistico]

XLI Corso Internazionale di Alta Cultura

Venezia (I), 30 agosto-10 settembre 1999

Laboratoire d'Archéologie de la Faculté d'Histoire – Université de Picardie-JulesVerne
Groupe de Recherche d'Histoire-UFR des Lettres – Université de Rouen

Autour des Stalles de Picardie et de Normandie/Choir Stalls of Picardy and Normandy.
Iconographic Traditions of the Middle Ages

5e Colloque de Misericordia International

Saint-Martin-Aux-Bois - Amiens - Rouen (F), 31 août- 4 septembre 1999

  • Notizia on line (06/99):
  • Informazioni: Elaine C. Block, Misericordia International, 1 rue Castex, Boîte 45, 75004 Paris
  • E-mail: o
  • Atti a stampa: Autour des Stalles de Picardie et de Normandie. Tradition iconographique au Moyen-Age, actes du 4e colloque de Misericordia International et du 1er colloque de Stalles de Picardie, septembre 1999, sous la dir. de K. Lemé-Hébuterne, Amiens, Encrage, 2000, («Hier», 16)